Welcome to Phase 1 - Breathe the Weight off

Welcome to Phase 1 - Breathe the Weight Off!

Get ready to recreate your daily routine to give yourself the ability to control perceived stress and in turn lose the mental weight that's been holding you back from releasing the physical weight you desire to lose.

One of the first things we cover is your central nervous system. As humans we are either in a state of "rest and digest" (parasympathetic) or "fight or flight" (sympathetic). And with the stress of the world we live in there are way too many people living in a constant state of fight or flight where their central nervous system and in turn hormones start to work against them causing them to hold onto excess physical weight from all the mental weight they carry.

We utilize energetic tool to release negative conditioning on a subconscious level, as well as tools to manage your central nervous system's ability to deescalate stress.

Our central nervous system has 4 forms of perceived stress and each week we will review one of the forms and layer in energetic work to focus on as well.

As we work through the weeks we habit stack tools week after week to set you up for achievable success, creating long term sustainable change for your daily routine.

We will schedule weekly one on one check ins to work implimentation of these tools, and review each week's homework. In between check ins you have unlimited support from me on an app called Voxer.

Download the Voxer app and add me @cfaltot

As you move through the modules and questions arise through the week send me a message on voxer so we can work through questions, celebrate wins and keep you on track to reach your goals!

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